The transaction between Dow Chemical Company and DuPont will be the largest on the market of mergers and acquisitions in 2015

The transaction between Dow Chemical Company and DuPont will be the largest on the market of mergers and acquisitions in 2015

10.12.2015 News

The agreement between two chemical corporations will make a company with a market value of $ 120 million.

According to information of WSJ, two companies began to discuss  the merger in November 2015. Now representatives of the enterprises carry out the last part of the negotiations between the leaders.

When companies announced about agreement between them, their shares in the market of December 9, 2015 rose by 8%. The union of the two biggest companies that produce plastics and chemicals for using  in industry, will be the largest transaction in this area this year. The new company, which will combine Dow Chemical and DuPont would be the world’s second largest chemical company (after the German BASF).

Because of the scale of the transaction, it will face a thorough check regulatory authorities in several countries, which usually are skeptical of such agreements. Some experts say that the transaction may not receive approval from the regulators. At the same time, investors of companies welcome merger agreement. Also, talking about plans, companies want  to split their  business after the merger of several structures, each of which will focus on specific activities dedicated to the production of chemical products.

The Dow Chemical Company and DuPont are among the oldest in the world of chemical enterprises, both companies have been operating for over 100 years. For the fourth quarter of 2014 showed the Dow Chemical earnings of $819 million, DuPont, for the same reporting period showed the revenue of $683mln. In the area of ​​mergers and acquisitions in 2015, the association of two chemical giants will be one of the biggest agreements.


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