
The LDaily publication is open for the dialogue with new authors who have the extraordinary approach to problems, ability to find  out  a way of the most difficult situations and to tell courageously  about it  to our readers.

Please, pay a special attention to the following:  

  • Your material must be unique only. Its publication in other editions is also inadmissible.
  • The content has to be actual nowadays, actually checked and  correspond to concepts of the project, that is to be business oriented.
  • The indication of authorship under the text, which has been accepted for the publication – by all means.

In other cases, you could choose some  options of a commercial cooperation


Send e-mails to the  LDaily editorial office to

Web-site publication telephone : +38 (044) 338–00–60


2, Redutnaya st. 10, Kyiv, Ukraine


    If you still have questions, you can write to us: