There will not be enough vaccines for all EU citizens in 2021


There will not be enough vaccines for all EU citizens in 2021

29.10.2020 News

Next year, only a small proportion of people in the European Union will be able to get the coronavirus vaccine. Officials in European countries have not yet decided on the vaccination of citizens. This was announced by Reuters on Tuesday, October 27.

“By the end of 2021, there will not be enough doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for the entire population,” a European Commission spokesman told the agency after a closed meeting on Monday.

One more official confirmed this statement.

The EU Commission has previously said that vaccines will be limited “in the early stages of implementation”, but never specified how long the initial phase will last.

Earlier in October, the Commission said there was still no effective vaccine against COVID-19, but the first vaccinations could be available early next year.

Given the likely limited proposal, the Commission has for several months called on EU governments to develop vaccination plans that prioritize vulnerable and important groups, such as health workers, the elderly or people with chronic diseases.

Earlier, the European Commission named the companies from which it pre-orders vaccines: AstraZeneca, Sanofi – GSK, Johnson & Johnson, CureVac, Moderna and a consortium of pharmacological companies BioNTech and Pfizer.

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