Johnson & Johnson plans to complete the third phase of trials of the COVID-19 vaccine in January


Johnson & Johnson plans to complete the third phase of trials of the COVID-19 vaccine in January

04.12.2020 News

Johnson & Johnson plans to complete the third phase of trials of its single-dose vaccine against COVID-19 in mid-January 2021. Paul Stoffels, vice chairman of the executive committee, senior scientific expert at Johnson & Johnson said they plan to deliver to market 1 billion doses.

“We are in the middle of the third phase of testing, which we plan to complete in mid-January, so the results will be in the first quarter of the new year. We are also increasing production and plan to deliver 1 billion doses of vaccine next year. Provided it is a single dose vaccine, 1 billion people will be able to be get vaccinated”, he said.

According to him, the company also expects to increase the shelf life of the vaccine at 2-8C for up to one year. Currently, the vaccine is stable at this temperature for three months.

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