Moderna has reported 100% efficiency of the vaccine against severe cases of COVID-19


Moderna has reported 100% efficiency of the vaccine against severe cases of COVID-19

01.12.2020 News

Following the third phase of trials of its COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine, Moderna said the drug was generally well tolerated and no serious health problems were identified. According to the company, the effectiveness of its vaccine reaches 94.1%, and 100% for preventing severe coronavirus cases. Previously, the manufacturer estimated the effectiveness of its drug at 94.5%.

30,000 people participated in the third stage of the Moderna vaccine research. The experts studied, in particular, how the participants’ bodies reacted two weeks after the second dose of the vaccine. 196 people became ill with coronavirus, 185 of them received placebo, another 11 were vaccinated. Moderna also took into account cases of severe COVID-19 (30 people in severe form – all from the placebo group). Also, one COVID-19-related death was reported among all participants in the experiment (this person also received a placebo).

Based on the data obtained, Moderna evaluates the effectiveness of its vaccine at 94.1% and believes that the drug is able to prevent the occurrence of COVID-19 in severe form. “The effectiveness was the same regardless of age, race, ethnicity and gender. Among the 196 COVID-19 patients 33 are elderly people (age 65+) and 42 people from different communities (including 29 Latinos, 6 African Americans, 4 Americans of Asian descent and 3 people of different races),” the company said.

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