The major producer of pork has attracted € 8 million  from the Danish investment fund

The major producer of pork has attracted € 8 million from the Danish investment fund

21.04.2016 News

The major producer of pork has attracted € 8 million from the Danish investment fund The “Galychyna Zahid” company concluded an agreement with the Danish IFU investment fund of attracting € 8 million to increase the production capacity. Previously, the company announced the suspension of the implementation of the project for the pig farm construction.

The corresponding agreement was signed by the General Director of the Danish fund – Morten Holm Yogansen and by the General Director Deputy of “Galychyna Zahid” Andriy Talama.

As previously reported, in September 2015, the first General Director  Deputy of the company “Galychyna Zahid ” Andriy Talama  announced about the suspension of the project for the construction of the pig farm with a capacity of 50 thousand heads a year in the Lviv region and the intention to resume the project and begin construction in early 2016.

“Galychyna Zahid” is  a company with Danish investment, founded in 2006 in the Lviv region, engaged in the cultivation and sale of pigs. The company has its own compound feed mill with a modern laboratory. The company “Galychyna Zahid”  was one of the first in Ukraine who introduced the breeding pigs into authorized fund.

The company sells about 115-120 thousand pigs in live weight per year, and the introduction of the new pig farm for 50 thousand heads will help to increase the sales up to 170 thous. heads per year.


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