Facebook is shutting down Lasso, its TikTok clone

Facebook is shutting down Lasso, its TikTok clone

06.07.2020 News

Facebook announced that it is shutting down two of its little-known apps shortly after they launched them. According to CNBC, Lasso, TikTok’s competitor, and Hobby, the competitor of Pinterest, will be shut down on July 10.

Facebook released Lasso for iOS and Android in 2018. It was created to share 15-second videos with effects. The application has the necessary tools for video editing. There is also a music library. The application uses algorithms when submitting recommended videos but also allows you to view hashtags or pages of thematic collections.

TechCrunch reported citing research firm Sensor Tower that as of February this year, Lasso was available in Colombia, Mexico, the United States, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador and Uruguay.

Earlier this year, the application introduced support for the Hindi language. This has led to speculation that Facebook will eventually launch a new app in India, the company’s largest market, based on the number of user accounts.

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