Spotify, Match Group and Epic Games have united to fight due to the rules of the App Store


Spotify, Match Group and Epic Games have united to fight due to the rules of the App Store

28.09.2020 News

Spotify Technology SA, owner of the Tinder Match Group Inc., computer game developer Epic Games Inc and ten other companies have formed a coalition to put pressure on Apple Inc and other app store operators to change placement rules, according to The Wall Street Journal.

In the statement from The Coalition for App Fairness, (“Coalition for Equity in Applications”) – a non-profit organization registered in Washington – it is said that most application stores charge excessive fees from software developers for digital purchases of users and undermine competition by providing unfair advantages to their own products and services.

“Our members want all application developers to have the equal opportunities to innovate and engage in trade free of draconian policies, unfair taxes or monopoly control “, – said in a statement on the website of the organization.

As a community-based organization, the new coalition plans to seek regulatory changes in the management of application stores, said the group spokeswoman.

The coalition also includes Proton Technologies AG, which owns the mail service ProtonMail, News Media Europe trade group, developer of the project management services Basecamp, Tile, Deezer and others.

Epic in August filed the lawsuit against Apple and Alphabet Inc., accusing the company of violating antitrust laws after they removed the popular Fortnite game from their app stores.

According to the coalition spokesman, the creation of the group is not a reaction to Epic’s lawsuits, but this decision was made during the negotiations with developers about their experience of using application stores and the desire for change.

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