Stocks Boeing, which fell by 47.5% since the beginning of the year fell by 1.6% before the opening of trading on Tuesday amid news of a new FAA investigation.
The US airline is going through the most difficult period in its history, continuing to expect recertification of the most profitable passenger`s aircraft Boeing 737 Max, grounded around the world, since March 2019 after two fatal plane crashes and is experiencing the strongest crisis in the aviation industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic and a sharp reduction in the number of passengers.
On Monday, The Wall Street Journal, with reference to FAA documents, Boeing and confidential sources reported that the US Federal Aviation Administration is considering the shortcomings of quality control by Boeing in its production process of wide-body passenger`s aircraft Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
According to FAA documents, the company Boeing informed regulators that had some details of the 787 Dreamliner, which did not meet its own standards of design and production.
In August, Boeing determined that eight of the 787 Dreamliners affected by the problem, must be inspected and repaired before returned to the operation.
“We immediately contacted the airlines operating the eight affected aircraft (including United Airlines Holdings Inc) to report the situation, and these aircrafts were temporarily shut down until the repairing, ” – said in a statement by the American aviation giant on Monday.
“The rest of the fleet of operated aircraft must meet the maximum allowable load, and we inspect the serial aircraft to make sure that any problems are solved before the delivery “- said Boeing.
In the interview with AFP reporters, FAA representatives said: “It is too early to speculate on the nature or scope of any proposed Airworthiness Directives that may arise as a result of the Agency’s investigation.”
At the same time, the media wrote that the FAA inspection may affect not only the eight affected aircrafts, – intensified inspections may affect approximately 900 from about 1,000 Dreamliners delivered since 2011.
Therefore, 787 Dreamliner can be added to the grounded 737 Max, which will be another financial blow for Boeing, which already has to compensate to airlines for the decommissioning of the 737 Max, as well as to resist to the competitive pressure of European Airbus.
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