Amazon is releasing updated Echo Frames smart glasses with Alexa


Amazon is releasing updated Echo Frames smart glasses with Alexa

25.11.2020 News

On Thursday, Amazon announced the release of its updated smart glasses Echo Frames starting on December 10. Now everyone will be able to buy it.

The new product from Amazon for $ 250 will go on sale just before the holiday weeks, which is a good time to start the release.

Analysts and market experts will closely monitor sales and customer reviews of Echo Frames, as previous attempts by other companies to release smart glasses that would become popular and used by the public failed.

Amazon announced Echo Frames and other novelties on September 25, 2019. Since then, sales have been limited and Amazon has been collecting reviews on gadgets to improve and update the device.
The company positions Echo Frames smart glasses as a convenient device for talking, receiving messages, listening to music, news or podcasts, as well as managing reminders.

As examples of successful use of Echo Frames, Amazon cited feedback from parents who used smart glasses during the pandemic to receive important messages while their hands were free to work or cook and communicate with their children.

“Echo Frames is a find for both my privacy and my productivity. I can hear my reminders, emails and text messages, and schedule updates, all without having to constantly look at my phone, plus my messages appear unnoticed. ” – wrote the owner of Echo Frames Francine C.

Amazon also cited the example of the positive use of Echo Frames by a healthcare professional who wanted to stay in touch while screening patients with COVID-19 while remaining in personal protective equipment.

Owners of Echo Frames with disabilities also said that the glasses have improved their quality of life.

Echo Frames lenses are transparent, but buyers can replace them with their choice of color or corrective vision by contacting LensCrafters or others. The frames of the updated Echo Frames are presented in three colors: black (Classic Black), as well as with the addition of blue (Horizon Blue) and “tortoise” Modern Tortoise.

Amazon reported that customers who purchased the original Echo Frames could replace it with an updated one for just $ 70. The company also said it was abandoning the idea of releasing the Echo Loop smart ring, but customers who purchased the product would continue to receive updates for it.

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