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Депозитарій Euroclear не підтримує ідею виплат Україні з активів РФ
Міжнародний депозитарій Euroclear вважає, що використання заморожених активів РФ як застави для випуску боргових зобов’язань для України створить ризики для фінансової стабільності в Європі. Про це заявила виконавча директорка Euroclear Лів Мостр в інтерв’ю Financial Times.
Вона заявила, що план, який обговорюється G7, буде “досить близьким до непрямого арешту” активів і поставить компанію під загрозу судових позовів.
Мострі також застерегла від пропозиції, висунутої Бельгією як компроміс між наполегливим прагненням США заарештувати відповідні активи та більш неохочою позицією Європи. Компроміс передбачав би використання активів як застави для залучення боргу і примушення Росії виплатити його пізніше, або, якщо вона цього не зробить, конфіскацію активів. На її погляд це теж “дуже схоже на непрямий арешт або зобов’язання щодо майбутнього арешту”.
Euroclear має близько 191 млрд євро, що належать центральному банку РФ – більшу частину з 260 млрд євро суверенних активів, іммобілізованих за кордоном після повномасштабного вторгнення РФ в Україну.
Чиновниця більш прихильно поставиться до окремих планів ЄС щодо використання прибутків від цих активів, для допомоги Україні. За її словами, цей крок менш ризикованим, бо Euroclear не виплачує проценти клієнтам, а прибутки “юридично належать Euroclear”.
Raiffeisen Bank announces a USD 40 million commitment from DFC to support lending for enterprises in Ukraine
Raiffeisen Bank Ukraine announces the issuance of a loan portfolio guaranty (LPG) of USD 40 million from United States International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), which will enable the bank to provide up to USD 50 million of loans to Ukrainian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises over the next 8 years.
The LPG Agreement with DFC was developed with technical support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). According to the agreement, DFC will cover up to 80% of the risk of default on loans made by Raiffeisen Bank to qualified borrowers under the guaranty.
“The new joint project with DFC and USAID will greatly extend the opportunities for Ukrainian small businesses to get financing, especially considering war-time risks. Companies will be able to receive loans for working capital needs and long-term investment projects which will help the Ukrainian economy to recover, stimulate exports, and create new jobs,” said Oleksandr Pysaruk, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank Ukraine.
“A thriving private sector is critical for Ukraine’s ability to sustain itself in the fight against Russia’s war of aggression and recover with strength and resilience. The United States is proud to be leading the mission of mobilizing private capital to build that capacity. This newest DFC commitment provides crucial support to Ukrainian small businesses,” commented Jim Polan, Vice-President of Development of DFC. “DFC will continue to support the Ukrainian people and their economy as we work towards a prosperous and bright future for Ukraine”.
For information:
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) partners with the private sector to finance solutions to the most critical challenges facing the developing world today. We invest across sectors including energy, healthcare, infrastructure, agriculture, and small business and financial services. DFC investments adhere to high standards and respect the environment, human rights, and worker rights. For more information, visit DFC.gov.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has worked in Ukraine since 1992, and currently delivers more than 40 activities across a broad portfolio approaching $2 billion. For more information, visit https://www.usaid.gov/ukraine
Raiffeisen Bank JSC, registered on March 27, 1992, is one of the largest foreign-owned banks in Ukraine. In October 2005, it became a part of the Austrian Banking Group Raiffeisen Bank International AG. As of September 30, 2023, Raiffeisen Group held 68.21% of the bank’s shares, while the European Bank For Reconstruction and Development held 30%.
A wide range of banking services is provided to 2.9 million customers of Raiffeisen Bank via the network of about 300 branches across Ukraine, and via the applications Raiffeisen Online and Raiffeisen Business Online, as well as other remote channels, 24/7.
GlobalLogic Acquires Hexacta, an Innovative Digital Engineering Firm in Latin America
Company Continues Strategic Expansion Adding New Service Capabilities, Talent, and Broadening Nearshore Footprint
SAN JOSE, Calif.—January 5, 2023— GlobalLogic Inc., a Hitachi Group Company and Digital Engineering Leader, today announced the acquisition of Hexacta, a Pan-Latin-America digital and data engineering company. The acquisition is part of GlobalLogic’s continued strategy to expand its offerings, and its roster of exceptional engineering talent to meet the strong market demand for digital engineering services. For more than 20 years, Hexacta has successfully delivered high-quality software development, IT consulting, UI/UX design, and data engineering and analytics services. Hexacta’s customer centricity and expertise across all phases of the software engineering lifecycle have resulted in a highly satisfied client base of globally renowned brands.
Organizations continue to invest in building new digital products, platforms, and experiences to better engage customers, create new revenue streams, and become more sustainable. This continued transformational wave creates a strong demand for digital engineering—as provided by GlobalLogic and Hexacta. Through the acquisition of established software engineering firms with skilled team members, GlobalLogic will continue to service the robust market demand and serve a growing community of clientele around the globe.
With operations in five countries, Hexacta strengthens GlobalLogic’s already successful presence in Latin America. Their highly tenured team of consultants possess deep expertise in big data and analytics, cloud services, full-stack development, and testing—all of which are essential capabilities needed to create cutting-edge digital products and platforms. Their strategic nearshore locations are ideal for North and South American clients, offering increased geographical proximity and fewer time-zone differences. Hexacta brings 800 employees in 10 centers across Argentina, Colombia, Peru, United States and Uruguay under the GlobalLogic umbrella—broadening the company’s capabilities and offerings, and providing greater access to the strong engineering talent across Latin America.
“Working at the intersection of design, engineering, and data, GlobalLogic continues to be the partner of choice in helping clients transform and modernize their digital products and services,” said Nitesh Banga, President and CEO, GlobalLogic. “With the addition of Hexacta, we are strengthening our service portfolio and nearshore delivery capabilities, adding deep technical expertise and unique industry know-how. We welcome them to the team and look forward to our future successes together.”
“We have worked diligently over the last two decades to develop the talent and capabilities to provide groundbreaking services to our clients,” said Juan Navarro, Founder and Managing Partner, Hexacta. “By joining GlobalLogic and the broader Hitachi Group ecosystem, we can bring those capabilities to a far bigger market, gaining wider reach and greater scale all at once. We are looking forward to joining the GlobalLogic family on this exciting journey.”
This acquisition will further enable GlobalLogic to augment Hitachi’s strengths in Information Technology (IT), Operating Technology (OT), and Products, and to accelerate its growth helping expand the Lumada business.
The terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Under the agreement, Hexacta will continue to operate with its existing leadership and staff as a wholly owned subsidiary of GlobalLogic. The transaction is subject to customary regulatory approval and is expected to close by the end of Calendar Q1, 2023.
About Hexacta
Hexacta (www.hexacta.com) is a Latin American company that offers end-to-end digital and data engineering services, delivering nearshore and offshore custom software development services, testing, and user interface design. The company is headquartered in Uruguay and has additional innovation hubs in Argentina, Colombia, Peru, and the United States. Enterprise customers from a wide range of industries—EdTech, FinTech, Healthcare, Media and Gaming, and Technology—benefit from Agile methodologies that result in strong program execution. More than 20 years of successful program delivery has earned the firm its position as one of Latin America’s leading digital engineering firms.
About GlobalLogic
GlobalLogic (www.globallogic.com) is a leader in digital engineering. We help brands across the globe design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital experiences for the modern world. By integrating experience design, complex engineering, and data expertise—we help our clients imagine what’s possible and accelerate their transition into tomorrow’s digital businesses. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers around the world, extending our deep expertise to customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media and entertainment, semiconductor, and technology industries. GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group Company operating under Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501), which contributes to a sustainable society with a higher quality of life by driving innovation through data and technology as the Social Innovation Business.
GlobalLogic engineers help create nearly 10% of the global medical device market
Last year, the global medical device market reached $532.62 billion, according to Mordor Intelligence. Ukrainian engineers are involved in the projects of key players, which occupy almost 10% of the market. This share can be estimated at 50 billion US dollars*. Domestic specialists create more than a hundred software solutions of various levels. These include tracking and analyzing patient health applications, systems for transmitting, processing and storing medical data, and software for first aid devices.
“Creating such devices is a big responsibility. We are proud to talk about our medical projects because they affect the global healthcare industry and support the quality of life of people worldwide, says Ihor Kostiv, Junior Vice President of Engineering at GlobalLogic. — In the Kharkiv office, there was a map where a point lit up when someone in the world used our developments. We give the world our expertise, and the world appreciates it – all our medical projects have become more significant since the beginning of the war, and work on each of them continues”.
The system for monitoring the patient’s condition through the “cloud”
GlobalLogic engineers are working on developments that provide physicians with secure remote patient data access. So, according to the standard algorithm, doctors are forced to connect a unique device to a person and manually record his vital data from the devices. The development allows you to automatically collect data, transfer it to the cloud, and from there to the hospital’s medical system. The system for monitoring and recording vital signs via Bluetooth connects to medical equipment and transmits data to the doctor’s smartphone or tablet. Such a solution allows is relatively inexpensive and without replacing old equipment to optimize data collection and avoid errors during manual entry.
Ukrainian software used by 70% of the Western blood donation market
Also, Ukrainian engineers create equipment for blood donation, which is used by 70% of the Western market. Before starting the assistance, the medical worker uses the device to enter his unique identification number, the blood collection bag number, and the necessary parameters, including blood volume, timing, etc. The device shakes the blood during donation so that it does not coagulate and also controls the speed of blood collection – this allows you to monitor the donor’s condition and notify the medical worker in time. The equipment of Ukrainian engineers enables you to control the blood donation process and make it safer.
Automatic insulin delivery system for people with diabetes
Another development of Ukrainian IT specialists is an automatic insulin injection system. The device consists of a pump and a replaceable reservoir with medication inside. The system monitors the patient’s vital signs every 5 minutes and, if necessary, automatically injects the required amount of insulin into the body. The device can be adjusted according to the patient’s lifestyle, activity and diet.
In general, GlobalLogic engineers ensure the functioning of a complete ecosystem, including software, sensor equipment, a set of mobile applications for smartphones to manage the system, and a cloud solution for use by both individual users and professional medical institutions. Thanks to the development, a person does not need to make insulin injections independently.
“Smart” defibrillators
Ukrainian engineers are also creating a device that conducts initial diagnostics of the patient’s body and determines the need for a defibrillator. This is important because, during the defibrillation procedure, a current with a voltage of 4000 to 7000 W passes through the human body – such action is traumatic, and therefore it is contraindicated to carry it out unless necessary. Over the past few years, engineers have been developing a new generation of defibrillators for special services, including the military and police. Such devices are intended for use in hard-to-reach places, for example, jumping from a helicopter or travelling in a military vehicle.
Implants for pain relief
GlobalLogic engineers are also developing applications that help interact with chronic pain therapy using implantable devices. Such a device is implanted in place and performs electrical stimulation of nerve endings, suppressing pain sensations. A person with an implant needs digital services that help him interact with the implant and doctors. Ukrainian engineers help digitize this process and make the interaction between doctor and patient as comfortable as possible. Thus, the application allows you to monitor the patient’s condition remotely and be in contact with the doctor. In the situation of COVID-19, such services make it possible to reduce the risks of diseases, speed up examinations and make them much more efficient.
To talk about the contribution of Ukrainian engineers, GlobalLogic launched the “Make an impact beyond the code” campaign. Its purpose is to talk about the true impact of software engineers. To celebrate the contribution of each developer, GlobalLogic offers to share the story of its own impact – it is important that as many people as possible in Ukraine and the world learn about the extremely important things that Ukrainian engineers create.
Note. Medical device market calculations are based on Mordor Intelligence data. Researchers estimate the medical device market to be worth $532.62 billion in 2021. GlobalLogic’s key customer market share is 9.58%. Therefore, the projects with which GlobalLogic engineers work can be estimated at 51.024996 billion US dollars.
About GlobalLogic
GlobalLogic (www.globallogic.com) is a leader in digital engineering. We empower the world’s leading brands to design and build innovative products, platforms and digital solutions for today’s world. By combining strategic design, end-to-end engineering and data expertise, we help our clients reach new levels of capability and accelerate their transition to the digital business of the future. GlobalLogic is headquartered in Silicon Valley, USA, with engineering and design centers located around the world. We share our deep expertise with clients in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare, industrial, media and entertainment, leadership, and technology industries. GlobalLogic is a Hitachi company, part of Hitachi, Ltd. We drive social innovation through data and technology teams to improve the quality of life for people around the world.
Twitter працює над відновленням відеосервісу Vine
Credit Agricole has been ranked first in the social responsibility rating of the banking sector, created by Standard-Rating based on the 2022 half-year results. The rating agency commended the bank’s contribution to the economy of Ukraine. The bank has paid UAH 100 million in taxes in advance, while issuing UAH 1.2 billion in loans under the “Affordable loans 5-7-9%” state program, the majority of which went to the agrarian businesses. On the whole, Standard-Rating noted over 20 initiatives from Credit Agricole to support Ukrainians during the war.
“We direct our collective efforts towards supporting the customers, employees and society in the time of war. Being the strategic partner of the agrarian business, we continue issuing loans to our customers: we supported them during the spring sowing and now we are financing the harvesting of crops. Under the corporate social responsibility program We Care! we allocated almost UAH 20 million for various charity projects, primarily for the procurement of medical equipment for hospitals and to support those affected by the war. It is a record amount in the history of the bank’s operation on Ukrainian market. As a responsible employer, we guaranteed work places to all our staff members, as well as payment of salaries and social benefits in full, offered assistance with evacuation to those who needed it. We keep doing the good deeds, as we believe that this is the way to advance the peaceful future in Ukraine”, – comments Stephane Fallick, Member of the Management Board at Credit Agricole Bank.
When compiling the rating of social and corporate responsibility of banks, Standard-Rating considered formal indicator such as banks’ corporate income tax expenses, their participation in the market of the wartime domestic government bonds, as well as informal indicators of social activities reported by banks themselves: terms for borrowers during the war period, participation in the social projects, humanitarian missions, financing of projects associated with strengthening the defense of cities and relocation of the forced migrants. Learn more about the rating results here
Credit Agricole has significantly increased the amount of charitable aid for Ukraine this year due to the war. The Bank allocated almost UAH 20 million to support the hospitals and assist those affected by the war. All the good deeds are done by Credit Agricole under the corporate social responsibility program We Care! that encompasses charity, volunteering, eco initiatives and care of the employees. More about We Care! here https://credit-agricole.ua/o-banke/we-care
How Ukrainian developers make impact on road safety
From October 1, drivers must turn on the dipped headlights of the car outside the city. This helps to additionally mark the vehicle in conditions of low visibility within the autumn-winter period. GlobalLogic reminds about the importance of compliance with traffic rules and tells about the developments of Ukrainian engineers that affect road safety.
In the first five months of 2022, 33.7% fewer road accidents were recorded than last year, reports the Patrol Police of Ukraine. This is due to a traffic intensity decrease during the war. At the same time, removed road signs and the emergence of artificial obstacles on roads, being especially dangerous in poor visibility, added to the causes of accidents. Under statistics, in general about 40% of accidents on the roads occur in the dark.
At the same time, according to the First Deputy Head of the Patrol Police Department Oleksiy Biloshitsky, the main cause of accidents on Ukrainian roads is the so-called human factor. For example, exceeding the safe and established speed limits accounts for 45% of all accidents with victims, and violation of maneuvering rules — 20%.
Innovations help minimize human errors, in particular self-driving cars will reduce the number of accidents by more than 85%, according to Zenseact. Widespread adoption of such technologies can save more than 50,000 people from dying in car accidents every year. GlobalLogic and Zenseact have been working on this ambitious goal for over 5 years.
“The modern car software contains more than 100 million lines of code, which is much more than the code of the entire software of the Boeing 787, the Large Hadron Collider or the social network Facebook” said Roman Razuvaev, Vice President of Engineering, GlobalLogic. “Programming a car is a big responsibility, and Ukrainian engineers have enough knowledge and practical skills to implement such multi-level projects. The technologies we are working on are represented in modern cars and can already be found on European and American roads.”
GlobalLogic engineers work on innovations that make driving more comfortable and traffic on the roads safer. In particular, as follows:
- Highway Pilot — an autopilot that allows autonomous driving of a part of daily trips on high-speed highways;
- the function of emergency braking, acceleration and maneuvering Collision Avoidance;
- the function of controlled automated driving Driver support;
- Connected Roadview function for assessing road conditions, which helps to plan routes and share information about road conditions with other cars in real time.
To tell about the contribution of Ukrainian engineers, GlobalLogic launched the “Make an impact beyond the code” campaign. Its goal is to tell about the real impact of software engineers. To celebrate the contribution of each developer, GlobalLogic invites you to share the story of your own impact — it is important that in Ukraine and around the world as many people as possible learn about the extremely important things that Ukrainian engineers create.
About GlobalLogic
GlobalLogic (www.globallogic.com) is a leader in digital engineering. We help the world’s leading brands design and build innovative products, platforms, and digital solutions for the modern world. By combining strategic design, complex engineering and data expertise, we help our clients reach new levels of possibility and accelerate their transition to the digital business of the future. GlobalLogic is headquartered in Silicon Valley, the USA, with engineering and design centers located all over the world. We share our deep expertise with customers in the automotive, communications, financial services, healthcare, industrial, media and entertainment, semiconductor and technology industries. GlobalLogic is a Hitachi Group company, that is a part of Hitachi, Ltd. We develop social innovation through data and technology to improve the quality of people` life around the world.
Intellias completes acquisition of Digitally Inspired, strengthening expertise in the Retail and eСommerce industry
Intellias, a global software engineering and digital consulting company, has announced the completion of its acquisition of Digitally Inspired, a fast growing, UK based peer, focusing on the Retail and eCommerce industry.
“I am delighted to welcome the Digitally Inspired team to Intellias. It is symbolic that Intellias’ twentieth anniversary coincided with signing an agreement that will help us accelerate our growth, enhance our expertise in retail, and expand our presence in the UK market. Having headquarters nearby London, Digitally Inspired brings us closer to our clients in the UK and opens new opportunities for developing our business in this market”, said Vitaly Sedler, CEO and Co-founder of Intellias.
“M&A is a key part of the Intellias growth strategy, aiming to build a large global business, with leading positions in core verticals. This transaction is a major milestone in the execution of this strategy. Besides being a reliable partner and technology expert, Digitally Inspired shares similar values with Intellias, thereby facilitating the integration of the two companies. I am confident that by joining our forces, we will be able to leverage our synergies and strengthen our position as a leading technology partner for digital innovators and as a top employer”, commented Michael Puzrakov, Executive Chairman and Co-founder of Intellias.
The Digitally Inspired team will be integrated into the Intellias organisation. Intellias will pay special attention to the corporate culture and values integration, and introduce new professional growth opportunities for the new joiners. Both parties will also focus on generating added value for clients and unlocking growth synergies.
“Joining Intellias is a historic moment for Digitally Inspired and a unique opportunity to implement large-scale projects together with global leaders across various industries. The existing clients of Digitally Inspired will get access to profound technological and industry expertise of Intellias. Like Intellias, we have always strived to be a reliable partner for our clients and the best employer for our engineers. We are delighted to take this step forward together, opening new opportunities for our colleagues and clients”, commented Alexander Goncharuk, Managing Director of Digitally Inspired
The combined company will exceed 3,000 professionals, significantly expanding Intellias’ footprint in the United Kingdom, adding to existing locations in Ukraine, Poland, Germany, United States, Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Colombia, India, and United Arab Emirates.
About Intellias
Intellias is a global technology partner to Fortune 500 enterprises and top-tier organizations, helping them accelerate their pace of sustainable digitalisation. Intellias empowers businesses operating in Europe and the US, as well as the MENA and APAC regions, to embrace innovation at scale. The company has been featured in the Global Outsourcing 100 list by IAOP, recognised by Inc. 5000, and acknowledged in Forbes and the GSA UK Awards. With two decades of experience, Intellias is geared towards ensuring the sustained success of clients on their value journey.
About Digitally Inspired
Digitally Inspired is a fast-growing technology and software engineering consultancy company for enterprise clients. The company’s headquarters are in Guildford, United Kingdom. DI provides a full scope of software engineering services and is trusted by its clients to deliver scalable, high-throughput IT systems and mission-critical solutions in retail and e-commerce, as well as healthcare, aviation, and other key verticals.
3×4, a recently-founded Ukrainian Web3 fundraising platform, launches its first campaign
3×4, a Web3 fundraising platform for non-profits, has been launched in Ukraine to bring innovative crypto & NFT fundraising to the rising number of social impact causes. 3×4 helps non-profit organizations to fundraise utilizing NFTs in collaborations with artists and brands while providing donors utility, revenue and transparency.
The idea of 3×4 was born in February, 2022, by three Ukrainians, Artur Kachur, Sergii Reznichenko, and Dan Pasko, when they realized the potential social impact that can be done if only dedicating a small % of NFT sales toward the good cause. By establishing 3×4 despite the challenges associated with the war, the Company set up a long-term visionary goal to increase altruism and philanthropy worldwide, bring awareness to great causes, and aid organizations with fundraising campaigns.
The Company has raised $150,000 angel financing since its launch from Diligent Capital Partners to develop the product (Web and App Store applications).
3×4 is currently launching its first fundraising campaign for Children of Heroes, a Ukrainian non-profit, to help rebuild the destroyed house in Kyiv oblast for one of the children that the charity fund supports, in a collaboration with several Ukrainian artists. To support the campaign and learn more about 3×4, please visit the link: https://www.3×4.art/fundraisers/D15CADEA-BC99-4261-9C17-85073C3D8440.