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When businesses have a common goal

When businesses have a common goal


07.04.2020 (№ LDaily #7)

When businesses have a common goal

This special issue of LDaily created in partnership with the European Business Association will tell you about how the world-class business acts in our country.

CEOs of the leading companies convey their ideas on changes in Ukraine, on success of the missions of the corporations they represent and on what place Ukraine occupies in their global corporate structure.

The editorial staff of LDaily has once again made sure that Ukraine is becoming more investment-friendly. Our interlocutors pay attention to certain disadvantages and share advice on further changes and reforms required by the state. However, these pieces of advice are not teachings, these are the tips of sympathizers who sincerely care for the future of our land and the people.

Nana Pipiia
Acting Editor-in-Chief, LDaily

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