According to the BBC, China has launched the world’s first 6G test satellite into space. It should demonstrate how well the experimental technology of the sixth generation network works. The satellite successfully entered orbit along with 12 other spacecraft after launching a rocket from the Taiyuan Cosmodrome in Shanxi Province. It is known that the […]
US President Donald Trump canceled the trade negotiations with China due to pandemic of coronavirus. The American leader has accused China in the spread of the virus in the world. The information was reported by Bloomberg. The trade agreement concluded in the first stage, which came into force in February, ensured a discussion of the […]
The territory of the People’s Republic of China occupies the third place by area (after Russia and Canada, then the USA follows the PRC). However, it is in the first place in terms of population of more than 1.404 billion, leaving behind India (more than 1.377 billion) and the USA (more than 331 million). There […]
The history of China’s statehood formation and development achieves several millennia, its nation has made a significant contribution into both material and spiritual culture of humanity throughout the world. Having in possession huge territories, essential labor and material resources and potentially large internal commerce, The Heavenly Empire has nearly all suppositions for creating integral, well-rounded […]