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Swedish traditions with a Ukrainian soul

03.04.2020 News


Sweden, the homeland of the Lantmannen concern, has rich traditions of farmers unions. Those unions were established on the principles of democratic governance, quality control, fair profit distribution. The Lantmannen company was set up on the basis of one of those principles in 1880. Over 100 years, the company has been developing all the valuables worked out by the agricultural unions. New people have always joined Lantmannen, therefore, it is currently owned by more than 20000 Swedish farmers.

Lantmannen AXA has been successfully working in Ukraine since 2000, and it is the largest producer of breakfast cereals, porridges and bars. It is worth noticing that apart from Ukraine, the production is established in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. The main manufacturing facilities are focusing on producing various goods made from cereal crops. All products are of guaranteed high quality confirmed by the international quality certificates – FSSC 22000, ISO 9001:2009, ISO 22000:2005, and annual audits by international companies responsible for industrial safety.

The company makes every effort to fully control the production chain contributing to a better living environment, providing information and knowledge about consumer interests. It also uses the unique LEAD managing system, which is aimed at involving all staff in improving the quality of products and processes. What’s more, it is a prompt resolution of emerging problems.


It is no coincidence that the symbol of Lantmannen is a sprout, one of the ancient life signs. The reason is that the concern tries to get the best from the earth and create the foundation for a fulfilling life by producing safe and high-quality food. The company has been continuously working on innovations and improving the production, therefore, it has remained the market leader in its category in Ukraine for more than 10 years.

In Ukraine, Lantmannen is represented by such brands as START! (the main buyers of which are our youngest consumers), AXA (an international brand that started its history in Sweden in 1890 and is represented by a wide range of granola, cereals, porridges and bars), Finn Crisp (they sell thin crunchy rusks and crispbreads under this brand). Trust and customer satisfaction are the most important things for the company. That is why Lantmannen is constantly working on new flavors of products and perfection of recipes. In the last year alone, over 20 new products were released in Ukraine!


Lantmannen AXA has long crossed many borders and has successfully launched its products in over 30 countries around the world. The products manufactured at the Ukrainian plant are exported to all the CIS countries, the Baltic states, Georgia, Turkey and Africa.

Over the last few years, Lantmannen AXA has started its activities in Canada, as well as promising Asian markets of China and Japan. Today, China belongs to the top 5 exporting countries of the company with annual sales increasing, which means high interest and demand of Chinese consumers for breakfast products. Noteworthy, the gastronomic traditions of Asian consumers are significantly different from the European ones, but dry AXA and START! breakfast cereals have already won their favor. Despite the fact that the company already cooperates with several Chinese clients, it remains ready to work with interested partners from the Middle Kingdom to expand its presence in the market, as breakfast cereal market is growing and it is very promising.

After participating in international exhibitions such as SIAL China, THAIFEX, FOODEX JAPAN, Asian trading companies are becoming increasingly interested in company’s products. Lantmannen will not stop there and is going to continue to actively develop innovative products as well as constantly open new markets to meet consumer needs in different parts of the world.

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