Johnson & Johnson plans to examine the final vaccine in September


Johnson & Johnson plans to examine the final vaccine in September

25.08.2020 News

Shares of Johnson & Johnson rose by 0.68% on Thursday, ahead of the growth of the S&P 500 index by 0.32% after as the company announced that it plans to begin the final phase of a clinical trial of its COVID-19 vaccine in September.

Shares of J&J recovered after losses in February and March and showed an increase of 15.12% over the last year.

J&J announced that its subsidiary Janssen Vaccines intends to launch a large-scale of a study of the Ad26.COV2-S vaccine on 60,000 healthy volunteers aged 18 years and older. The company said that it used the same technology in the production of Ad26.COV2-S as in the development of the experimental vaccine against the Ebola virus.

The estimated start date is September 5, with the estimated completion date of all studies (including the effects of the vaccine) being March 10, 2023.

The final Janssen Vaccines “Phase 3” research will take place in 180 cities in the United States and other countries, including Brazil and Mexico.

“Our phase 3 program should be as reliable as possible, can include up to 60,000 participants, and will be conducted in high-prevalence areas,” – said J&J spokesman Jake Sargent in an interview with CNBC. “We use epidemiology and modeling data to predict and plan where our research will take place, and we expect it to be completed soon.”

Earlier this month, Johnson & Johnson announced a contract with the US government to provide 100 million doses of its potential vaccine for $ 1 billion.

Comparing J & J to other manufacturers vaccine candidates COVID-19, then the company lags behind them in terms: Pfizer and Moderna have already embarked on 3 phases of research. In addition, these manufacturers have received government contracts for the same 100 million doses of vaccines more expensive: Pfizer will deliver these products for $ 1.9 billion and Moderna for $ 1.53 billion. At the same time, the final studies of Moderna and Pfizer cover twice the number of volunteers – up to 30,000.

However, J&J still has a chance to emerge victorious from the race, because preclinical trials of its Ad26.COV2-S vaccine in primates have shown the formation of high levels of antibodies to fight infection with a single dose, whereas candidate vaccines from other manufacturers required two doses to obtain a similar result.

Putting one dose instead of two, it may be better for many government orders and vaccine J & J can obtain greater international fame when the calendar will include annual vaccinations.

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