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Presentation of the magazine dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China

Presentation of the magazine dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China

A presentation of our magazine issue dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China took place in the TSEKH gallery. The event was part of LDaily’s cooperation with the Chinese Chamber of Association, with the support of the Chinese Embassy.

For LDaily, this is the first open presentation, and we are going to turn this into a tradition for every issue. We set an ambitious goal — to loudly declare about every issue that will be published.

The event was attended by about 100 guests, including top executives and top management of Ukrainian and international companies, representatives of Chinese companies and heads of business associations.

We thank our partners for their support:
– Casual Catering-, which helped us organize this event.
– Maotai, which has graciously provided part of China’s national culture – an exclusive Chinese vodka.
– TSEKH Gallery, which has kindly provided us with room for the event.

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