Gucci to donate half a million dollars to UNICEF for vaccination against COVID-19


Gucci to donate half a million dollars to UNICEF for vaccination against COVID-19

07.12.2020 News

The most popular fashion brand Gucci will donate about $ 500,000 for the purchase and distribution of a new type of coronavirus vaccine among vulnerable people around the world.

It is noted that the funds will be transferred to UNICEF, which supports the WHO initiative on mass vaccination COVAX and the GAVI group.

“Global equitable access to the vaccine, which can protect healthcare workers and those most at risk, is the only way to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on public health and the economy, and that is what COVAX is all about,” stated the Italian brand.

In addition, from December 5 to 26, Gucci representatives will hold a fundraiser for common global goals as part of the #GucciCommunity project among creative individuals. The company has already donated $ 100,000.

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