Sarah Dong, the Executive Director of CEO Clubs UAE, a chapter of the CEO Clubs Network international business organization, drew the attention of LDaily readers to the fact that in the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic, active cooperation is extremely important for the business. It is about sharing experiences, establishing business relationships, informing everyone about businesses’ capabilities. The CEO Clubs Network, which includes both domestic and international companies, has been such a unifying center for many years.
LDaily: Could you please tell our readers about CEO Clubs Network? What inspired you to create it? What companies are included in the Club? Why did they choose you?
S. Dong: CEO Clubs Network is a corporate membership-based international business organization with chapters and members across the globe and various industries. The membership was specially designed for private sectors, government entities, and diplomats to connect and network. CEO Clubs Network creates the most effective business platform for CEOs, Entrepreneurs, and Senior Executives to share experiences, explore opportunities, and grow their businesses both locally and internationally.
With a strong focus on member engagements and member collaborations, CEO Clubs Network Members have been enjoying business growth and valuable connections after they joined us. Our excellent team believes in Creativity, Services, Passion & Happiness aligned with the visionary ways of our leaders, therefore, many prominent international enterprises have joined the CEO Clubs Network.
Our Founder and CEO, Dr. Tariq Nizami founded the platform with the vision of helping the business community to grow business locally and internationally. Through over a decade of efforts, we helped many companies in growing their connections and businesses.
Complies who are CEO Clubs members are mostly SMEs and large corporates, such as HPE, DDF, ZTE, Coffee Island, Patchi, etc. What encouraged them to join us? I think they can find solutions from our platform in connecting with high-profile business leaders, learning experience, and accessing many collaboration opportunities. Those key factors are essential for CEO & Entrepreneurs to achieve their goals.
LDaily: What is the social purpose of the Club?
S. Dong: CEO Clubs Network is built for the business community that seeks long-term business connections. We assist them with all their business needs and very keen on helping them reach the maximum level growth. We are very proud that our platform has been adding great values to economic growth and sustainability. Our organization also promotes the SDGs, an important initiative of the UN.
LDaily: You probably visit various countries. Please tell us about the main business insights you got. What are the latest trends in the global market that you have noticed?
S. Dong: Yes, I do, I see there are plenty of opportunities from different countries. But we need to focus on one thing at a time. We are the business club playing a key role in connecting decision-makers and bridging business opportunities. At times of uncertainty, we are now embracing new opportunities in front of us, AI, digitalization transformation, as well as cognition revolution, should be in our focus. Our business has to be aligned in all or partially. As we are in a new era now, the way we think, the way we work were changed, and we must quickly adapt and create an appealing model for the new normal. Our CEO Clubs mobile app is able to connect members right at their fingertips, being able to view and post member offers and business opportunities anytime and anywhere.
LDaily: How can companies survive the corona crisis? How can one develop their business during a pandemic?
S. Dong: Strong belief in winning the pandemic, fast adoption of the new normal, as well as utilizing community power are helpful to overcome the crisis. The impact of COVID-19 affects almost all industries around the world. Every business leader addresses the need of their people and customers. In order to survive in this pandemic, every leader should align their business with the evolving demands. Developing a business during these times is quite challenging but if you sustain the needs of your clients and develop new models, new strategies, I believe we are going to get through these.
LDaily: How did Club members support the state in the fight against the coronavirus spread?
S. Dong: As part of our drive in contributing to the state’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic, we have done great efforts in helping communities fight COVID-19, including a large amount of knowledge and advice provided from our series of webinars on tackling measures, virtual leadership and many tips offered by our valued members, we thank their valuable contribution. Our Online meetups are very effective in terms of collaboration and sharing business opportunities.
LDaily: What, in your opinion, should Ukraine do to get investors interested in entering its market?
S. Dong: I think safety should be the number 1 factor during and after pandemic, while cost-effective and stable environment, good facilities can also attract investors.
LDaily: How do you think can a Ukrainian entrepreneur be informed of the need to introduce global trends, move in the direction of informatization, robotization, and artificial intelligence?
S. Dong: As we are in a new era now, so all of us have to think differently and act quickly. We can’t stop globalization, we can’t stop the wheels of history, we can only choose to adapt and innovate for a better tomorrow.
I take this opportunity to invite Ukrainian business leaders and executives to join our platform to network with other CEOs and entrepreneurs.