IBM has introduced a new generation POWER10 processor for hybrid cloud computing


IBM has introduced a new generation POWER10 processor for hybrid cloud computing

19.08.2020 News

Corporation of International Business Machines Corp on Monday announced an edition of a new central processing unit (CPU) for data centers POWER10.

According to the company’s press release, the processor is made in the form factor of 7 nm with increased energy efficiency and three times better workload capacity than the previous generation of IBM POWER9 processors.

Power 10 processors will be manufactured by Samsung and are expected to be released in the second half of 2021. This will allow IBM to better compete with Advanced Micro Devices Inc, Intel and other manufacturers.

AMD also uses 7-nanometer technology for its chips, produced by Taiwan Semiconductor (TSMC), outpacing and winning in the price range with Intel, which is still considered the leader in the CPU industry for data centers.

Intel was the last who simultaneously develop and manufacture its own processors, but recently announced a contract with “outsourcing production of new chips” with TSMC.

IBM said its new 7nm POWER10 processor has been developed over five years using hundreds of new and claimed patents. Improvements affected the energy efficiency of the processor at the same range of power consumption, like the previous generation, was achieved higher performance encryption for better security as well as improved architectures, allowing faster to perform calculations in the field of artificial intelligence.

“For Hybrid clouds of corporate level need reliable local and remote architecture, which includes hardware and optimized software, “said Stephen Leonard, CEO of IBM Cognitive Systems.” “With IBM POWER10, we have developed a premium enterprise hybrid of cloud processor that delivers the performance and security that customers expect from IBM. With our stated goal of making Red Hat OpenShift the default choice for the hybrid cloud, IBM POWER10 provides hardware capacity and increased security to the level of IT infrastructure. “

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